An Interview with Abby Black: From Summer Student to Full-Time Account Manager

Every spring, post-secondary students “hit the pavement” searching for a summer internship or co-op placement to help them gain experience and network in […]

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How to Create a Workplace Wellness Program for Your Employees

In any given week, 500,000 Canadians are unable to work due to mental health issues. Many employers, however, are unaware that the vast majority of common […]

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Staying The Course During Market Volatility: Conflict in Europe, Inflation, and Energy Costs

If you’re like many investors, market volatility and the related ups and downs in your portfolio may make you feel uneasy. Markets were already weaker due […]

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Seeing Improvements in Ontario’s Pension Industry

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) was established in 2019 as a reincarnation of the Financial Securities Commission of Ontario […]

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An Interview with Matt Wilford: A Company Culture of Promoting Within

With a true promote from within culture at Cowan, we invest in our employees’ talent and potential by developing expertise through mentoring and learning […]

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An Interview with Rob Salvucci: How to Start a Career in Wealth Management

At Cowan Insurance Group, it’s our knowledgeable and dedicated employees who fuel our award-winning workplace culture with their collective desire to help […]

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Closing the Gender Gap in Financial Health

Gender roles have significantly changed in the last 50-60 years. Once, women were expected to be in the labour force only until they married. Now studies […]

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Financial Fraud—The Hidden Pandemic

What’s the first thing you think about when it comes to financial literacy in 2021? For me, it was political and pandemic uncertainty and how it could […]

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How to Tell if Your Pet Is in Pain

Reposted with permission from Petsecure; originally posted on

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Why a Growing Number of Plan Sponsors are Monitoring ESG Issues

Just as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues have been in news headlines recently, they’ve also been a hot topic in investing. With weekly […]

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