Insights from THINK 2023 | Integrating Data and Connecting the Dots Wrap-Up

/ By Cowan Insurance Group

As Principal, VP, Wellness and Disability Innovation and Growth at Cowan Insurance Group, Lianne Clarke helps employers identify organizational health risks and develop targeted wellness and disability programs.

At our latest THINK client conference on November 1, 2023, Lianne discussed the power of data integration, asserting that knowledge is power, especially when selecting optimal wellness and benefit options to improve employee health—a task that often overwhelms employers.

Lianne introduced the concept of "dot connectors," or individuals within your organization who can transform complex data into actionable insights. These big-picture thinkers play a crucial role as they see patterns and connections that others can't see.

She continued her presentation by explaining the profound impact of the pandemic on employee health, emphasizing the consequences of the lack of access to treatment and care. The resulting surge in chronic diseases and backlogs in medical procedures contributes to increased benefits and absenteeism costs for plan sponsors. Employees who navigate chronic pain throughout their workday face increased mental illness, substance use issues, and presenteeism, ultimately affecting an organization's bottom line.

Lianne encouraged employers to analyze strategic data to inform and guide benefit plan decisions effectively, recognizing patterns to determine the leading indicators of employee health. This knowledge empowers organizations to connect the dots and craft targeted well-being programs that boost employee engagement. She also emphasized the importance of communicating available resources to employees.

To illustrate the practical application of data-driven decision-making, Lianne shared a compelling real-life example of a client who successfully used data to drive a meaningful well-being program.

Build a healthier workplace. Contact us today!

Video highlights from Lianne's presentation

Presentation PDF

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